
Brenda with Garyn

I am a Shamanic Practitioner, trained in both classical and modern shamanism. I gather information from other worlds through various levels of consciousness. By conversing and working with spirits I bring healing into the physical world for humans and animals.

I communicate with animals to check in, or to help figure out why certain things are evolving behaviorally. Often clients want to know how to help their pet, or sometimes to find their lost pet. I am able to weave together my communication with pets and my healing abilities in Shamanism to facilitate communication for an owner’s questions and assist in healing.

Communication and healing also cross into the human world. I have worked with clients with cancer, auto immune diseases, as well as many other issues including mental health challenges.

My work has evolved into both in person and virtual healings . With the virtual healings, we discuss what is needed, I do the communication and/or healing and then connect with you on zoom or the phone to discuss the information received. In person healings are done in my home and last approximately 90 mins. By doing this, I am able to work with clients anywhere in the world.